Company Technology

  1. We are Development various technology in many buisness, sector fields in the technology world we are providing BigData Solution, Multi Level Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Building Platforms, Securing and hashing apis and cubic securing apis.

  1. Methods or strategies are different We are using different technology for development. in server side we use PHP for main data api, Python for Analytics API, Node JS with real time communication, HTTP2 GraphQl, Mongo DB, Graph DB, Distribution database, for handling real time communication, Application are using React, React Native, Flutter, Ant Design, Material UI, Tailwind.

  1. We are build many products in the market including Cashier system, Video Platform, Social Media, WorkFlow Management, Safety Manager, O2O Eco System, GeoInformation, Warehouse Management , Club Management, Compound Manager, Financial Manager, Cash Less solutions.

  1. We also provide a more flexible and scalable engine for the applications that can manage the grow of data we work with extended store flex techniques and more advanced algorithms.

  1. We are managing our project through a growing feature plan working Agile, scrum and feature Modeling techniques.

  1. We are deploy our server with kubernetes, docker, Jenkins and managing different node and different cloud.